Learn more about how your sewer service rates are calculated and the rates review process

How are CVSan’s sewer rates calculated and evaluated?
CVSan’s rate structure for the sewer service charges is an annual fixed charge and is comprised of three customer classes: residential, commercial, and institutional. The rates for the sewer service charges are calculated for each customer group based on the cost to provide service, considering both the quantity of sewage discharged and other sewer characteristics affecting the cost for treatment and disposal. CVSan uses third-party consultants to evaluate its SSC every six years. Find the most recent rate evaluation study in the document center located at the bottom of this page. CVSan also uses the budget process to develop operating and maintenance costs, capital improvement, and renewal and replacement costs. Find the most recent budget in the document center located at the bottom of this page.

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Evaluation of Sewer Service Rates2 documents

  • Wastewater Rate and Cost of Service Study
    document seq 0.00
  • 2022 Capital Program Financing Scenarios and Associated Rate Adjustments Update
    document seq 0.00

CVSan Budget2 documents

  • Biennial Operating Budget Fiscal Years 2023/24 and 2024/25
    document seq 0.00
  • Biennial Operating Budget Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23
    document seq 0.00

Prop 218 Notification1 document

  • CVSan Prop 218 Notification
    document seq 0.00